Now that SUMMER is rite around the corner, how’s that roof doing? Don’t like the color? Or maybe just some shingles blown off. How about those gutters? We also do siding too!! Call and ask for Shane Scott at 585-329-1614 for your free estimate!! Together over 20 years experience, Insured+RE-Roofs+Gutters+Siding, G.A.F. Certified. don’t forget to honk if you see us, we love to hear your...
Finished a job in Wyoming, P.T.L!! Don't forget to honk if you see us, we love to hear your...
Finished the job in Warsaw yesterday, P.T.L!!!! Don't forget to honk if you see us we love to hear your support!!! ...
Now that winter is finally settling down, how's that roof doing? Don't like the color? Or maybe just some shingles blown off. How about those gutters? We also do siding too!! Call and ask for Shane Scott at 585-329-1614 for your free estimate!! Together over 20 years experience, Insured+RE-Roofs+Gutters+Siding, G.A.F. Certified don't forget to honk if you see us, we love to hear your...
First day back for the 2015 season!! Started a job in york today, P.T.L!! Don't forget to honk if you see us, we love to hear your support!...
Is heavy snow build up or ice build up causing you grief? Need your roof shoveled off? call the professionals at Over The...
Thank you for visiting "Over The Top" roofing or Western NY. Over The Top Roofing was established in 2010 by Shane Scott and Troy Bush both owners, together over 20 years experience, Over 2,000 Roofs Completed. Insured+Tear-Offs+Re-Roofs+Gutters+Siding. FREE ESTIMATES. (585-329-1614) G.A.F Certified We'd love to hear from you! Please contact us if you any questions on your current roofing construction, more about our company, or if you'd just like a free quote. And whatsoever ye do, do...